March 11, 2025

Digital Inclusion of 10 Women Artisans in Palgarh, Maharashtra

Digital Empowerment Foundation in collaboration with DigiKargha conducted a 2 days’ workshop with 10 Women Artisans in Palgarh, Maharashtra. The purpose of the workshop was to impart digital literacy so that the artisans could benefit from the reach of the digital world. In those two days, they were introduced to topics such as Data Rights, Microsoft Office, Digital Designing, and various Social Media platforms to sell their products.

Initially, the trainer conducted the base line survey to know the knowledge of the pupils, which helped him understand them better. After the baseline survey, workshop was broken down into interactive sessions, where the students could clear their doubts right after the topic was covered by the teacher. This strategy was beneficial because students were able to answer all the questions asked by the teacher at the end of every session.

Undoubtedly, the most awaited topics for the artisans were Social Media and Digital Marketing because they are well aware of the reach of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc. However, they also shared their concerns relating to their Data security on such online platforms. They also shared some cases where their friends and family lost money or their data was misused. Moreover, they also shared their worries relating fake news, as every day they receive a couple of messages giving them wrong information, which they frequently try to cross check from their local authorities.

The workshop was a success because all the pupils were eager to create a digital space for themselves where they could attract potential customers and earn a living from their business. Ms. Pragati Rajad shared her experience regarding the training by stating “This digital training has equipped not just me but many like me to the digital world where we will not be dependent on anyone including a physical shop.” Definitely, this training has helped the 10 artisans transform their lives by introducing them to the limitless world of the internet and various other digital equipment.

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