March 11, 2025

In the challenging scenario in which the girls from rural marginalised communities live -empowerment is a process of change- a personal journey through which the girls get a better understanding of themselves, increasing agency (ability to make choices that will impact their lives) and assets (e.g. physical and mental assets, social networks, financial assets, skills, time). This transformative journey is guided and supported by Aahan’s holistic approach involving education and skills development, capacity and agency building, creating assets such as a resilient girl network, and physical and mental toughness.


Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) is a national networking body in Bangladesh. Its stated objectives include building a democratic society based on the principles of free flow of information, and equitable and affordable access to Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) of remote and marginalized population. It is registered with Ministry of Law, Parliamentary and Justice Affairs, Government of Bangladesh as a trust and established in 2000, as per Article 19 charter of United Nations bill of rights. It undertakes activities to promote radio listeners club, amateur radio operators, community radio and television stations, and Internet radio in coastal areas.

Established in 2017, Body & Data works to enhance understanding and access to information on digital rights among women, queer people and marginalized groups where they are able to exercise their rights in a safe and just digital space. We work towards the vision of accessible, safe and just digital space for all, through cross movement building, facilitation for access to information, knowledge building and dissemination on digital rights in the context of Nepal.

Centre for Development Policy and Practice is an independent and non-partisan organisation working to influence public policy with a focus on the development of minorities. It is involved in research, advocacy, training, and outreach to disseminate its research findings. CDPP is comprised of a small team of research professionals and expert consultants under the guidance of eminent public intellectuals.

The Council for Social and Digital Development (CSDD) is a research and policy think tank which works in critical areas of social and digital development in the North East Region (NER) of India and addresses key challenges of the region which includes sustainable development, governance, and digital divide. CSDD is an autonomous research, policy, development, and innovation institute registered as a not-for-profit Company under Section (8) of the Companies Act of 2013. The institute undertakes interdisciplinary research, action based solutions, and policy analysis on the social and digital dimensions of contemporary development issues in the NER.

FII is a digital intersectional feminist media platform. We work across many mediums, such as articles, posters, infographics, memes, comics, videos and posters, to help develop a feminist sensibility in the youth. In our work, we pay a special attention to the Indian feminist movement and our unique politics and issues by integrating popular and academic information in a manner accessible to the masses, in English as well as in Hindi.


The Foundation of Goodness was established in 1999 and has worked extensively to develop a one of a kind holistic rural community development model. In 2021 alone, despite struggles brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Foundation of Goodness delivered a wide range of programmes to over 68,000 beneficiaries from 900+ villages across Sri Lanka, free of charge, via our 10 empowerment divisions: Business Skills and Enterprise, Women’s Empowerment, Special Needs, Language and Arts, Sports Development, Medical, Dental and Psychosocial Support, Children and Youth Development, Environment and Water, Rural Welfare & Development and Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centres. 

Khaana Chahiye Foundation is a non-profit organization that works towards Zero Hunger- SDG 2 through community mobilization and data-driven policy, governance, and social enterprise interventions. 


MISSING Link Trust (MISSING) is one of India’s leading organizations working to prevent sex trafficking through awareness , education and empowerment.



“PROTSAHAN” IN HINDI MEANS “ENCOURAGEMENT” Protsahan’s vision is that all girls living in situations of vulnerability grow up empowered with access to education and healthcare in safe spaces with greater freedom from all forms of abuse and violence, and those who experienced abuse or violence, benefit from greater access to healing, care, support, gender justice and other services needed to ensure physical, mental and social well-being. 

Shakti Foundation ( is a registered Society under the Societies Act, and has the necessary 12A and 80G certification. The broad areas under which Shakti Foundation operates:




Youth Ki Awaaz (YKA) is where young India writes. It is India’s largest, completely crowdsourced platform for young people to write and share stories on topics they care about. With a growing community of over 160K+ creators, YKA is uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of young India’s pulse on culture, politics, economics, healthcare and a lot more.




Since its inception, the long term objective of the Barefoot College has been to work with marginalized, exploited, and impoverished rural poor, living on less than $1 a day, and lift them over the poverty line with dignity and self-respect. The dream was to establish a rural college in India that was built by and exclusively for the poor.



Travellers’ University provides learning experiences that happen through travel. It gives an opportunity for one to truly connect to themselves and the world around them by providing exposure to multiple grassroots realities.



Digital Empowerment Foundation is an integral digital action organisation. DEF constantly acts into creation of information empowerment, equitable communities by providing digital access to information, knowledge and contextual capacity. The organization’s main focus is on to make technology easily accessible to the masses, to empower women, youth, differently abled and elderly through functional digital literacy, media literacy, and digital up-skilling across agriculture, micro and nano-business, health, education, livelihood, and entrepreneurship.



ISPAT is working towards the rights for the Madari community in India.


We envision an inclusive world where every human enjoys access to vibrant, safe and healthy spaces to live, work and play.

Community Design Agency (CDA) is a nimble, experienced team of architects, engineers, business professionals, community planners, place-makers and artists who work alongside communities on the margins through collaboration of various stakeholders – the community itself, civic and government bodies, corporates and other philanthropic partners. (mixers across the world) is a hybrid media platform for showcasing innovations. The combination of physical event and online platform delivers unique value to innovators, investors, and ecosystem enablers. MXR solves a number of key problems in the existing scenario of endless startup meetups: many founders do not know how to pitch properly or connect to the ecosystem; investors find it hard to assess new innovations; sponsors do not get effective engagement before, during or after the event; and attendees do not recall what insights were generated.
To address these issues, MXR provides a unique set of differentiated offerings: a masterclass for founders on effective pitching and storytelling; a carefully curated panel of investors and experts; polls for ongoing audience engagement and matchmaking through a digital platform; and online media to showcase pitchdecks, expert insights, and videos.


Aadiwasi Janjagruti (registered as Ulgulan for Social Change Foundation) is working on Social Justice, Governance, and Awareness in tribal and underserved areas of Maharashtra using hyperlocal; communication tools. Started in 2017, Aadiwasi Janjagruti is working in around 200 villages.


Amrapari (We Can) is a women’s collective that was created during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown as a way of creating sustainable livelihoods for char-chapori women in Assam. Many of these women were daily wage earners (e.g., in fisheries, agricultural work, brick kilns, etc.) who suddenly found themselves without work during the lockdown. Their extreme food insecurities were exacerbated by several spates of floods. Started and led by Manjuwara Mullah, a local women’s rights activist and longtime community worker in Barpeta district Assam, Amrapari seeks to support women’s empowerment and economic self-sufficiency. This is primarily accomplished by supporting women in making and selling embroidered quilts—a legacy of women in char chapori areas.